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tags (22759B)

      1 !_TAG_FILE_FORMAT	2	/extended format; --format=1 will not append ;" to lines/
      2 !_TAG_FILE_SORTED	1	/0=unsorted, 1=sorted, 2=foldcase/
      3 !_TAG_PROGRAM_AUTHOR	Darren Hiebert	/
      4 !_TAG_PROGRAM_NAME	Exuberant Ctags	//
      5 !_TAG_PROGRAM_URL	/official site/
      6 !_TAG_PROGRAM_VERSION	5.9~svn20110310	//
      7 Ball	lavat.c	/^} Ball;$/;"	t	typeref:struct:__anon1	file:
      8 MAX_NBALLS	lavat.c	11;"	d	file:
      9 MIN_NBALLS	lavat.c	10;"	d	file:
     10 PREFIX	makefile	/^PREFIX = \/usr\/local$/;"	m
     11 TB_BLACK	termbox.h	199;"	d
     12 TB_BLINK	termbox.h	211;"	d
     13 TB_BLUE	termbox.h	203;"	d
     14 TB_BOLD	termbox.h	207;"	d
     15 TB_CAP_ARROW_DOWN	termbox.h	173;"	d
     16 TB_CAP_ARROW_LEFT	termbox.h	174;"	d
     17 TB_CAP_ARROW_RIGHT	termbox.h	175;"	d
     18 TB_CAP_ARROW_UP	termbox.h	172;"	d
     19 TB_CAP_BACK_TAB	termbox.h	176;"	d
     20 TB_CAP_BLINK	termbox.h	186;"	d
     21 TB_CAP_BOLD	termbox.h	185;"	d
     22 TB_CAP_CLEAR_SCREEN	termbox.h	182;"	d
     23 TB_CAP_DELETE	termbox.h	167;"	d
     24 TB_CAP_END	termbox.h	169;"	d
     25 TB_CAP_ENTER_CA	termbox.h	178;"	d
     26 TB_CAP_ENTER_KEYPAD	termbox.h	189;"	d
     27 TB_CAP_EXIT_CA	termbox.h	179;"	d
     28 TB_CAP_EXIT_KEYPAD	termbox.h	190;"	d
     29 TB_CAP_F1	termbox.h	154;"	d
     30 TB_CAP_F10	termbox.h	163;"	d
     31 TB_CAP_F11	termbox.h	164;"	d
     32 TB_CAP_F12	termbox.h	165;"	d
     33 TB_CAP_F2	termbox.h	155;"	d
     34 TB_CAP_F3	termbox.h	156;"	d
     35 TB_CAP_F4	termbox.h	157;"	d
     36 TB_CAP_F5	termbox.h	158;"	d
     37 TB_CAP_F6	termbox.h	159;"	d
     38 TB_CAP_F7	termbox.h	160;"	d
     39 TB_CAP_F8	termbox.h	161;"	d
     40 TB_CAP_F9	termbox.h	162;"	d
     41 TB_CAP_HIDE_CURSOR	termbox.h	181;"	d
     42 TB_CAP_HOME	termbox.h	168;"	d
     43 TB_CAP_INSERT	termbox.h	166;"	d
     44 TB_CAP_ITALIC	termbox.h	187;"	d
     45 TB_CAP_PGDN	termbox.h	171;"	d
     46 TB_CAP_PGUP	termbox.h	170;"	d
     47 TB_CAP_REVERSE	termbox.h	188;"	d
     48 TB_CAP_SGR0	termbox.h	183;"	d
     49 TB_CAP_SHOW_CURSOR	termbox.h	180;"	d
     50 TB_CAP_UNDERLINE	termbox.h	184;"	d
     51 TB_CAP__COUNT	termbox.h	191;"	d
     52 TB_CAP__COUNT_KEYS	termbox.h	177;"	d
     53 TB_CYAN	termbox.h	205;"	d
     54 TB_DEFAULT	termbox.h	212;"	d
     55 TB_ERR	termbox.h	256;"	d
     56 TB_ERR_CAP_COLLISION	termbox.h	277;"	d
     57 TB_ERR_INIT_ALREADY	termbox.h	258;"	d
     58 TB_ERR_INIT_OPEN	termbox.h	259;"	d
     59 TB_ERR_MEM	termbox.h	260;"	d
     60 TB_ERR_NEED_MORE	termbox.h	257;"	d
     61 TB_ERR_NOT_INIT	termbox.h	263;"	d
     62 TB_ERR_NO_EVENT	termbox.h	261;"	d
     63 TB_ERR_NO_TERM	termbox.h	262;"	d
     64 TB_ERR_OUT_OF_BOUNDS	termbox.h	264;"	d
     65 TB_ERR_POLL	termbox.h	269;"	d
     66 TB_ERR_READ	termbox.h	265;"	d
     67 TB_ERR_RESIZE_IOCTL	termbox.h	266;"	d
     68 TB_ERR_RESIZE_PIPE	termbox.h	267;"	d
     69 TB_ERR_RESIZE_POLL	termbox.h	274;"	d
     70 TB_ERR_RESIZE_READ	termbox.h	275;"	d
     71 TB_ERR_RESIZE_SELECT	termbox.h	280;"	d
     72 TB_ERR_RESIZE_SIGACTION	termbox.h	268;"	d
     73 TB_ERR_RESIZE_SSCANF	termbox.h	276;"	d
     74 TB_ERR_RESIZE_WRITE	termbox.h	273;"	d
     75 TB_ERR_SELECT	termbox.h	279;"	d
     76 TB_ERR_TCGETATTR	termbox.h	270;"	d
     77 TB_ERR_TCSETATTR	termbox.h	271;"	d
     78 TB_ERR_UNSUPPORTED_TERM	termbox.h	272;"	d
     79 TB_EVENT_KEY	termbox.h	223;"	d
     80 TB_EVENT_MOUSE	termbox.h	225;"	d
     81 TB_EVENT_RESIZE	termbox.h	224;"	d
     82 TB_FUNC_EXTRACT_POST	termbox.h	284;"	d
     83 TB_FUNC_EXTRACT_PRE	termbox.h	283;"	d
     84 TB_GREEN	termbox.h	201;"	d
     85 TB_HARDCAP_ENTER_MOUSE	termbox.h	195;"	d
     86 TB_HARDCAP_EXIT_MOUSE	termbox.h	196;"	d
     87 TB_IMPL	lavat.c	1;"	d	file:
     88 TB_INPUT_ALT	termbox.h	236;"	d
     89 TB_INPUT_CURRENT	termbox.h	234;"	d
     90 TB_INPUT_ESC	termbox.h	235;"	d
     91 TB_INPUT_MOUSE	termbox.h	237;"	d
     92 TB_ITALIC	termbox.h	210;"	d
     93 TB_KEY_ARROW_DOWN	termbox.h	143;"	d
     94 TB_KEY_ARROW_LEFT	termbox.h	144;"	d
     95 TB_KEY_ARROW_RIGHT	termbox.h	145;"	d
     96 TB_KEY_ARROW_UP	termbox.h	142;"	d
     97 TB_KEY_BACKSPACE	termbox.h	83;"	d
     98 TB_KEY_BACKSPACE2	termbox.h	117;"	d
     99 TB_KEY_BACK_TAB	termbox.h	146;"	d
    100 TB_KEY_CTRL_2	termbox.h	75;"	d
    101 TB_KEY_CTRL_3	termbox.h	107;"	d
    102 TB_KEY_CTRL_4	termbox.h	108;"	d
    103 TB_KEY_CTRL_5	termbox.h	110;"	d
    104 TB_KEY_CTRL_6	termbox.h	112;"	d
    105 TB_KEY_CTRL_7	termbox.h	113;"	d
    106 TB_KEY_CTRL_8	termbox.h	118;"	d
    107 TB_KEY_CTRL_A	termbox.h	76;"	d
    108 TB_KEY_CTRL_B	termbox.h	77;"	d
    109 TB_KEY_CTRL_BACKSLASH	termbox.h	109;"	d
    110 TB_KEY_CTRL_C	termbox.h	78;"	d
    111 TB_KEY_CTRL_D	termbox.h	79;"	d
    112 TB_KEY_CTRL_E	termbox.h	80;"	d
    113 TB_KEY_CTRL_F	termbox.h	81;"	d
    114 TB_KEY_CTRL_G	termbox.h	82;"	d
    115 TB_KEY_CTRL_H	termbox.h	84;"	d
    116 TB_KEY_CTRL_I	termbox.h	86;"	d
    117 TB_KEY_CTRL_J	termbox.h	87;"	d
    118 TB_KEY_CTRL_K	termbox.h	88;"	d
    119 TB_KEY_CTRL_L	termbox.h	89;"	d
    120 TB_KEY_CTRL_LSQ_BRACKET	termbox.h	106;"	d
    121 TB_KEY_CTRL_M	termbox.h	91;"	d
    122 TB_KEY_CTRL_N	termbox.h	92;"	d
    123 TB_KEY_CTRL_O	termbox.h	93;"	d
    124 TB_KEY_CTRL_P	termbox.h	94;"	d
    125 TB_KEY_CTRL_Q	termbox.h	95;"	d
    126 TB_KEY_CTRL_R	termbox.h	96;"	d
    127 TB_KEY_CTRL_RSQ_BRACKET	termbox.h	111;"	d
    128 TB_KEY_CTRL_S	termbox.h	97;"	d
    129 TB_KEY_CTRL_SLASH	termbox.h	114;"	d
    130 TB_KEY_CTRL_T	termbox.h	98;"	d
    131 TB_KEY_CTRL_TILDE	termbox.h	74;"	d
    132 TB_KEY_CTRL_U	termbox.h	99;"	d
    133 TB_KEY_CTRL_UNDERSCORE	termbox.h	115;"	d
    134 TB_KEY_CTRL_V	termbox.h	100;"	d
    135 TB_KEY_CTRL_W	termbox.h	101;"	d
    136 TB_KEY_CTRL_X	termbox.h	102;"	d
    137 TB_KEY_CTRL_Y	termbox.h	103;"	d
    138 TB_KEY_CTRL_Z	termbox.h	104;"	d
    139 TB_KEY_DELETE	termbox.h	137;"	d
    140 TB_KEY_END	termbox.h	139;"	d
    141 TB_KEY_ENTER	termbox.h	90;"	d
    142 TB_KEY_ESC	termbox.h	105;"	d
    143 TB_KEY_F1	termbox.h	124;"	d
    144 TB_KEY_F10	termbox.h	133;"	d
    145 TB_KEY_F11	termbox.h	134;"	d
    146 TB_KEY_F12	termbox.h	135;"	d
    147 TB_KEY_F2	termbox.h	125;"	d
    148 TB_KEY_F3	termbox.h	126;"	d
    149 TB_KEY_F4	termbox.h	127;"	d
    150 TB_KEY_F5	termbox.h	128;"	d
    151 TB_KEY_F6	termbox.h	129;"	d
    152 TB_KEY_F7	termbox.h	130;"	d
    153 TB_KEY_F8	termbox.h	131;"	d
    154 TB_KEY_F9	termbox.h	132;"	d
    155 TB_KEY_HOME	termbox.h	138;"	d
    156 TB_KEY_INSERT	termbox.h	136;"	d
    157 TB_KEY_MOUSE_LEFT	termbox.h	147;"	d
    158 TB_KEY_MOUSE_MIDDLE	termbox.h	149;"	d
    159 TB_KEY_MOUSE_RELEASE	termbox.h	150;"	d
    160 TB_KEY_MOUSE_RIGHT	termbox.h	148;"	d
    161 TB_KEY_MOUSE_WHEEL_DOWN	termbox.h	152;"	d
    162 TB_KEY_MOUSE_WHEEL_UP	termbox.h	151;"	d
    163 TB_KEY_PGDN	termbox.h	141;"	d
    164 TB_KEY_PGUP	termbox.h	140;"	d
    165 TB_KEY_SPACE	termbox.h	116;"	d
    166 TB_KEY_TAB	termbox.h	85;"	d
    167 TB_MAGENTA	termbox.h	204;"	d
    168 TB_MOD_ALT	termbox.h	228;"	d
    169 TB_MOD_CTRL	termbox.h	229;"	d
    170 TB_MOD_MOTION	termbox.h	231;"	d
    171 TB_MOD_SHIFT	termbox.h	230;"	d
    172 TB_OK	termbox.h	255;"	d
    173 TB_OPT_EGC	termbox.h	66;"	d
    174 TB_OPT_EGC	termbox.h	70;"	d
    175 TB_OPT_PRINTF_BUF	termbox.h	290;"	d
    176 TB_OPT_PRINTF_BUF	termbox.h	67;"	d
    177 TB_OPT_READ_BUF	termbox.h	297;"	d
    178 TB_OPT_READ_BUF	termbox.h	68;"	d
    179 TB_OPT_TRUECOLOR	termbox.h	65;"	d
    180 TB_OPT_TRUECOLOR	termbox.h	69;"	d
    181 TB_OUTPUT_216	termbox.h	243;"	d
    182 TB_OUTPUT_256	termbox.h	242;"	d
    183 TB_OUTPUT_CURRENT	termbox.h	240;"	d
    184 TB_OUTPUT_GRAYSCALE	termbox.h	244;"	d
    185 TB_OUTPUT_NORMAL	termbox.h	241;"	d
    186 TB_OUTPUT_TRUECOLOR	termbox.h	246;"	d
    187 TB_RED	termbox.h	200;"	d
    188 TB_RESIZE_FALLBACK_MS	termbox.h	2150;"	d
    189 TB_REVERSE	termbox.h	209;"	d
    190 TB_TRUECOLOR_BLINK	termbox.h	218;"	d
    191 TB_TRUECOLOR_BOLD	termbox.h	214;"	d
    192 TB_TRUECOLOR_DEFAULT	termbox.h	219;"	d
    193 TB_TRUECOLOR_ITALIC	termbox.h	217;"	d
    194 TB_TRUECOLOR_REVERSE	termbox.h	216;"	d
    195 TB_TRUECOLOR_UNDERLINE	termbox.h	215;"	d
    196 TB_UNDERLINE	termbox.h	208;"	d
    197 TB_VERSION_STR	termbox.h	61;"	d
    198 TB_WHITE	termbox.h	206;"	d
    199 TB_YELLOW	termbox.h	202;"	d
    200 _DEFAULT_SOURCE	termbox.h	34;"	d
    201 _XOPEN_SOURCE	termbox.h	30;"	d
    202 __TERMBOX_H	termbox.h	27;"	d
    203 alias	termbox.h	/^    const char *alias;$/;"	m	struct:__anon2
    204 back	termbox.h	/^    struct cellbuf_t back;$/;"	m	struct:tb_global_t	typeref:struct:tb_global_t::cellbuf_t
    205 balls	lavat.c	/^static Ball balls[MAX_NBALLS] = {0};$/;"	v	file:
    206 bg	termbox.h	/^    uintattr_t bg; \/* bitwise background attributes *\/$/;"	m	struct:tb_cell
    207 bg	termbox.h	/^    uintattr_t bg;$/;"	m	struct:tb_global_t
    208 buf	termbox.h	/^    char *buf;$/;"	m	struct:bytebuf_t
    209 builtin_mod_caps	termbox.h	/^} builtin_mod_caps[] = {$/;"	v	typeref:struct:__anon3
    210 builtin_terms	termbox.h	/^} builtin_terms[] = {$/;"	v	typeref:struct:__anon2
    211 bytebuf_flush	termbox.h	/^static int bytebuf_flush(struct bytebuf_t *b, int fd) {$/;"	f
    212 bytebuf_free	termbox.h	/^static int bytebuf_free(struct bytebuf_t *b) {$/;"	f
    213 bytebuf_nputs	termbox.h	/^static int bytebuf_nputs(struct bytebuf_t *b, const char *str, size_t nstr) {$/;"	f
    214 bytebuf_puts	termbox.h	/^static int bytebuf_puts(struct bytebuf_t *b, const char *str) {$/;"	f
    215 bytebuf_reserve	termbox.h	/^static int bytebuf_reserve(struct bytebuf_t *b, size_t sz) {$/;"	f
    216 bytebuf_shift	termbox.h	/^static int bytebuf_shift(struct bytebuf_t *b, size_t n) {$/;"	f
    217 bytebuf_t	termbox.h	/^struct bytebuf_t {$/;"	s
    218 c	termbox.h	/^    char c;$/;"	m	struct:cap_trie_t
    219 cap	termbox.h	/^    const char *cap;$/;"	m	struct:__anon3
    220 cap	termbox.h	/^    size_t cap;$/;"	m	struct:bytebuf_t
    221 cap_trie	termbox.h	/^    struct cap_trie_t cap_trie;$/;"	m	struct:tb_global_t	typeref:struct:tb_global_t::cap_trie_t
    222 cap_trie_add	termbox.h	/^static int cap_trie_add(const char *cap, uint16_t key, uint8_t mod) {$/;"	f
    223 cap_trie_deinit	termbox.h	/^static int cap_trie_deinit(struct cap_trie_t *node) {$/;"	f
    224 cap_trie_find	termbox.h	/^static int cap_trie_find(const char *buf, size_t nbuf, struct cap_trie_t **last,$/;"	f
    225 cap_trie_t	termbox.h	/^struct cap_trie_t {$/;"	s
    226 caps	termbox.h	/^    const char **caps;$/;"	m	struct:__anon2
    227 caps	termbox.h	/^    const char *caps[TB_CAP__COUNT];$/;"	m	struct:tb_global_t
    228 cech	termbox.h	/^    size_t cech;   \/* capacity in bytes of ech *\/$/;"	m	struct:tb_cell
    229 cell_cmp	termbox.h	/^static int cell_cmp(struct tb_cell *a, struct tb_cell *b) {$/;"	f
    230 cell_copy	termbox.h	/^static int cell_copy(struct tb_cell *dst, struct tb_cell *src) {$/;"	f
    231 cell_free	termbox.h	/^static int cell_free(struct tb_cell *cell) {$/;"	f
    232 cell_reserve_ech	termbox.h	/^static int cell_reserve_ech(struct tb_cell *cell, size_t n) {$/;"	f
    233 cell_set	termbox.h	/^static int cell_set(struct tb_cell *cell, uint32_t *ch, size_t nch,$/;"	f
    234 cellbuf_clear	termbox.h	/^static int cellbuf_clear(struct cellbuf_t *c) {$/;"	f
    235 cellbuf_free	termbox.h	/^static int cellbuf_free(struct cellbuf_t *c) {$/;"	f
    236 cellbuf_get	termbox.h	/^static int cellbuf_get(struct cellbuf_t *c, int x, int y,$/;"	f
    237 cellbuf_init	termbox.h	/^static int cellbuf_init(struct cellbuf_t *c, int w, int h) {$/;"	f
    238 cellbuf_resize	termbox.h	/^static int cellbuf_resize(struct cellbuf_t *c, int w, int h) {$/;"	f
    239 cellbuf_t	termbox.h	/^struct cellbuf_t {$/;"	s
    240 cells	termbox.h	/^    struct tb_cell *cells;$/;"	m	struct:cellbuf_t	typeref:struct:cellbuf_t::tb_cell
    241 ch	termbox.h	/^    uint32_t ch;   \/* a Unicode character *\/$/;"	m	struct:tb_cell
    242 ch	termbox.h	/^    uint32_t ch;  \/* a Unicode code point *\/$/;"	m	struct:tb_event
    243 children	termbox.h	/^    struct cap_trie_t *children;$/;"	m	struct:cap_trie_t	typeref:struct:cap_trie_t::cap_trie_t
    244 color	lavat.c	/^static short color = TB_WHITE;$/;"	v	file:
    245 color2	lavat.c	/^static short color2 = TB_WHITE;$/;"	v	file:
    246 colors	lavat.c	/^static short colors[]={TB_WHITE, TB_RED, TB_YELLOW, TB_BLUE, TB_GREEN, TB_MAGENTA, TB_CYAN, TB_BLACK };$/;"	v	file:
    247 contained	lavat.c	/^static short contained = 0;$/;"	v	file:
    248 convert_num	termbox.h	/^static int convert_num(uint32_t num, char *buf) {$/;"	f
    249 cursor_x	termbox.h	/^    int cursor_x;$/;"	m	struct:tb_global_t
    250 cursor_y	termbox.h	/^    int cursor_y;$/;"	m	struct:tb_global_t
    251 custom	lavat.c	/^static char *custom = NULL;$/;"	v	file:
    252 custom2	lavat.c	/^static char *custom2 = NULL;$/;"	v	file:
    253 dx	lavat.c	/^  int dx;$/;"	m	struct:__anon1	file:
    254 dy	lavat.c	/^  int dy;$/;"	m	struct:__anon1	file:
    255 ech	termbox.h	/^    uint32_t *ech; \/* a grapheme cluster of Unicode code points *\/$/;"	m	struct:tb_cell
    256 errbuf	termbox.h	/^    char errbuf[1024];$/;"	m	struct:tb_global_t
    257 eterm_caps	termbox.h	/^static const char *eterm_caps[] = {$/;"	v
    258 event	lavat.c	/^static struct tb_event event = {0};$/;"	v	typeref:struct:tb_event	file:
    259 event_handler	lavat.c	/^void event_handler() {$/;"	f
    260 extract_esc	termbox.h	/^static int extract_esc(struct tb_event *event) {$/;"	f
    261 extract_esc_cap	termbox.h	/^static int extract_esc_cap(struct tb_event *event) {$/;"	f
    262 extract_esc_mouse	termbox.h	/^static int extract_esc_mouse(struct tb_event *event) {$/;"	f
    263 extract_esc_user	termbox.h	/^static int extract_esc_user(struct tb_event *event, int is_post) {$/;"	f
    264 extract_event	termbox.h	/^static int extract_event(struct tb_event *event) {$/;"	f
    265 fg	termbox.h	/^    uintattr_t fg; \/* bitwise foreground attributes *\/$/;"	m	struct:tb_cell
    266 fg	termbox.h	/^    uintattr_t fg;$/;"	m	struct:tb_global_t
    267 fix_rim_color	lavat.c	/^void fix_rim_color(){$/;"	f
    268 fn_extract_esc_post	termbox.h	/^    int (*fn_extract_esc_post)(struct tb_event *, size_t *);$/;"	m	struct:tb_global_t
    269 fn_extract_esc_pre	termbox.h	/^    int (*fn_extract_esc_pre)(struct tb_event *, size_t *);$/;"	m	struct:tb_global_t
    270 front	termbox.h	/^    struct cellbuf_t front;$/;"	m	struct:tb_global_t	typeref:struct:tb_global_t::cellbuf_t
    271 get_terminfo_string	termbox.h	/^static const char *get_terminfo_string(int16_t str_offsets_pos,$/;"	f
    272 global	termbox.h	/^static struct tb_global_t global = {0};$/;"	v	typeref:struct:tb_global_t
    273 h	termbox.h	/^    int32_t h;    \/* resize height *\/$/;"	m	struct:tb_event
    274 handle_resize	termbox.h	/^static void handle_resize(int sig) {$/;"	f
    275 has_orig_tios	termbox.h	/^    int has_orig_tios;$/;"	m	struct:tb_global_t
    276 height	termbox.h	/^    int height;$/;"	m	struct:cellbuf_t
    277 height	termbox.h	/^    int height;$/;"	m	struct:tb_global_t
    278 hr	lavat.c	/^int hr(int coloffset, int lineoffset, int length, bool selected) {$/;"	f
    279 if_err_break	termbox.h	589;"	d
    280 if_err_return	termbox.h	586;"	d
    281 if_not_init_return	termbox.h	613;"	d
    282 if_ok_or_need_more_return	termbox.h	595;"	d
    283 if_ok_return	termbox.h	592;"	d
    284 in	termbox.h	/^    struct bytebuf_t in;$/;"	m	struct:tb_global_t	typeref:struct:tb_global_t::bytebuf_t
    285 init_cap_trie	termbox.h	/^static int init_cap_trie(void) {$/;"	f
    286 init_cellbuf	termbox.h	/^static int init_cellbuf(void) {$/;"	f
    287 init_params	lavat.c	/^void init_params() {$/;"	f
    288 init_resize_handler	termbox.h	/^static int init_resize_handler(void) {$/;"	f
    289 init_term_attrs	termbox.h	/^static int init_term_attrs(void) {$/;"	f
    290 init_term_caps	termbox.h	/^static int init_term_caps(void) {$/;"	f
    291 initialized	termbox.h	/^    int initialized;$/;"	m	struct:tb_global_t
    292 input_mode	termbox.h	/^    int input_mode;$/;"	m	struct:tb_global_t
    293 is_leaf	termbox.h	/^    int is_leaf;$/;"	m	struct:cap_trie_t
    294 key	termbox.h	/^    const uint16_t key;$/;"	m	struct:__anon3
    295 key	termbox.h	/^    uint16_t key; \/* one of TB_KEY_* constants *\/$/;"	m	struct:tb_event
    296 key	termbox.h	/^    uint16_t key;$/;"	m	struct:cap_trie_t
    297 last_bg	termbox.h	/^    uintattr_t last_bg;$/;"	m	struct:tb_global_t
    298 last_errno	termbox.h	/^    int last_errno;$/;"	m	struct:tb_global_t
    299 last_fg	termbox.h	/^    uintattr_t last_fg;$/;"	m	struct:tb_global_t
    300 last_x	termbox.h	/^    int last_x;$/;"	m	struct:tb_global_t
    301 last_y	termbox.h	/^    int last_y;$/;"	m	struct:tb_global_t
    302 len	termbox.h	/^    size_t len;$/;"	m	struct:bytebuf_t
    303 linux_caps	termbox.h	/^static const char *linux_caps[] = {$/;"	v
    304 load_builtin_caps	termbox.h	/^static int load_builtin_caps(void) {$/;"	f
    305 load_terminfo	termbox.h	/^static int load_terminfo(void) {$/;"	f
    306 load_terminfo_from_path	termbox.h	/^static int load_terminfo_from_path(const char *path, const char *term) {$/;"	f
    307 main	lavat.c	/^int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {$/;"	f
    308 margin	lavat.c	/^static int margin;$/;"	v	file:
    309 maxX	lavat.c	/^static int maxX, maxY;$/;"	v	file:
    310 maxY	lavat.c	/^static int maxX, maxY;$/;"	v	file:
    311 mod	termbox.h	/^    const uint8_t mod;$/;"	m	struct:__anon3
    312 mod	termbox.h	/^    uint8_t mod;  \/* bitwise TB_MOD_* constants *\/$/;"	m	struct:tb_event
    313 mod	termbox.h	/^    uint8_t mod;$/;"	m	struct:cap_trie_t
    314 name	termbox.h	/^    const char *name;$/;"	m	struct:__anon2
    315 nballs	lavat.c	/^static int nballs = 10;$/;"	v	file:
    316 nblines	lavat.c	/^int nblines(char *str) {$/;"	f
    317 nchildren	termbox.h	/^    size_t nchildren;$/;"	m	struct:cap_trie_t
    318 nech	termbox.h	/^    size_t nech;   \/* length in bytes of ech, 0 means use ch instead of ech *\/$/;"	m	struct:tb_cell
    319 next_color	lavat.c	/^short next_color(short current){$/;"	f
    320 nterminfo	termbox.h	/^    size_t nterminfo;$/;"	m	struct:tb_global_t
    321 orig_tios	termbox.h	/^    struct termios orig_tios;$/;"	m	struct:tb_global_t	typeref:struct:tb_global_t::termios
    322 out	termbox.h	/^    struct bytebuf_t out;$/;"	m	struct:tb_global_t	typeref:struct:tb_global_t::bytebuf_t
    323 output_mode	termbox.h	/^    int output_mode;$/;"	m	struct:tb_global_t
    324 parse_options	lavat.c	/^int parse_options(int argc, char *argv[]) {$/;"	f
    325 parse_terminfo_caps	termbox.h	/^static int parse_terminfo_caps(void) {$/;"	f
    326 party	lavat.c	/^static short party = 0;$/;"	v	file:
    327 print_help	lavat.c	/^void print_help() {$/;"	f
    328 radius	lavat.c	/^static float radius;$/;"	v	file:
    329 radiusIn	lavat.c	/^static float radiusIn = 100;$/;"	v	file:
    330 read_terminfo_path	termbox.h	/^static int read_terminfo_path(const char *path) {$/;"	f
    331 resize_cellbufs	termbox.h	/^static int resize_cellbufs(void) {$/;"	f
    332 resize_pipefd	termbox.h	/^    int resize_pipefd[2];$/;"	m	struct:tb_global_t
    333 rfd	termbox.h	/^    int rfd;$/;"	m	struct:tb_global_t
    334 rim	lavat.c	/^static short rim = 1;$/;"	v	file:
    335 rxvt_256color_caps	termbox.h	/^static const char *rxvt_256color_caps[] = {$/;"	v
    336 rxvt_unicode_caps	termbox.h	/^static const char *rxvt_unicode_caps[] = {$/;"	v
    337 screen_caps	termbox.h	/^static const char *screen_caps[] = {$/;"	v
    338 send_attr	termbox.h	/^static int send_attr(uintattr_t fg, uintattr_t bg) {$/;"	f
    339 send_char	termbox.h	/^static int send_char(int x, int y, uint32_t ch) {$/;"	f
    340 send_clear	termbox.h	/^static int send_clear(void) {$/;"	f
    341 send_cluster	termbox.h	/^static int send_cluster(int x, int y, uint32_t *ch, size_t nch) {$/;"	f
    342 send_cursor_if	termbox.h	/^static int send_cursor_if(int x, int y) {$/;"	f
    343 send_init_escape_codes	termbox.h	/^static int send_init_escape_codes(void) {$/;"	f
    344 send_literal	termbox.h	599;"	d
    345 send_num	termbox.h	602;"	d
    346 send_sgr	termbox.h	/^static int send_sgr(uintattr_t cfg, uintattr_t cbg, uintattr_t fg_is_default,$/;"	f
    347 set_color	lavat.c	/^int set_color(short *var, char *optarg) {$/;"	f
    348 set_random_colors	lavat.c	/^void set_random_colors( short level){$/;"	f
    349 snprintf_or_return	termbox.h	606;"	d
    350 speed	lavat.c	/^static int speed;$/;"	v	file:
    351 speedMult	lavat.c	/^static short speedMult = 5;$/;"	v	file:
    352 sumConst	lavat.c	/^static float sumConst;$/;"	v	file:
    353 sumConst2	lavat.c	/^static float sumConst2;$/;"	v	file:
    354 tb_cell	termbox.h	/^struct tb_cell {$/;"	s
    355 tb_cell_buffer	termbox.h	/^struct tb_cell *tb_cell_buffer(void) {$/;"	f
    356 tb_change_cell	termbox.h	302;"	d
    357 tb_clear	termbox.h	/^int tb_clear(void) {$/;"	f
    358 tb_deinit	termbox.h	/^static int tb_deinit(void) {$/;"	f
    359 tb_event	termbox.h	/^struct tb_event {$/;"	s
    360 tb_extend_cell	termbox.h	/^int tb_extend_cell(int x, int y, uint32_t ch) {$/;"	f
    361 tb_free	termbox.h	313;"	d
    362 tb_get_fds	termbox.h	/^int tb_get_fds(int *ttyfd, int *resizefd) {$/;"	f
    363 tb_global_t	termbox.h	/^struct tb_global_t {$/;"	s
    364 tb_has_egc	termbox.h	/^int tb_has_egc(void) {$/;"	f
    365 tb_has_truecolor	termbox.h	/^int tb_has_truecolor(void) {$/;"	f
    366 tb_height	termbox.h	/^int tb_height(void) {$/;"	f
    367 tb_hide_cursor	termbox.h	/^int tb_hide_cursor(void) {$/;"	f
    368 tb_init	termbox.h	/^int tb_init(void) {$/;"	f
    369 tb_init_fd	termbox.h	/^int tb_init_fd(int ttyfd) {$/;"	f
    370 tb_init_file	termbox.h	/^int tb_init_file(const char *path) {$/;"	f
    371 tb_init_rwfd	termbox.h	/^int tb_init_rwfd(int rfd, int wfd) {$/;"	f
    372 tb_key_i	termbox.h	120;"	d
    373 tb_last_errno	termbox.h	/^int tb_last_errno(void) {$/;"	f
    374 tb_malloc	termbox.h	311;"	d
    375 tb_peek_event	termbox.h	/^int tb_peek_event(struct tb_event *event, int timeout_ms) {$/;"	f
    376 tb_poll_event	termbox.h	/^int tb_poll_event(struct tb_event *event) {$/;"	f
    377 tb_present	termbox.h	/^int tb_present(void) {$/;"	f
    378 tb_print	termbox.h	/^int tb_print(int x, int y, uintattr_t fg, uintattr_t bg, const char *str) {$/;"	f
    379 tb_print_ex	termbox.h	/^int tb_print_ex(int x, int y, uintattr_t fg, uintattr_t bg, size_t *out_w,$/;"	f
    380 tb_printf	termbox.h	/^int tb_printf(int x, int y, uintattr_t fg, uintattr_t bg, const char *fmt,$/;"	f
    381 tb_printf_ex	termbox.h	/^int tb_printf_ex(int x, int y, uintattr_t fg, uintattr_t bg, size_t *out_w,$/;"	f
    382 tb_printf_inner	termbox.h	/^int tb_printf_inner(int x, int y, uintattr_t fg, uintattr_t bg, size_t *out_w,$/;"	f
    383 tb_put_cell	termbox.h	303;"	d
    384 tb_realloc	termbox.h	312;"	d
    385 tb_reset	termbox.h	/^static int tb_reset(void) {$/;"	f
    386 tb_select_input_mode	termbox.h	305;"	d
    387 tb_select_output_mode	termbox.h	306;"	d
    388 tb_send	termbox.h	/^int tb_send(const char *buf, size_t nbuf) {$/;"	f
    389 tb_sendf	termbox.h	/^int tb_sendf(const char *fmt, ...) {$/;"	f
    390 tb_set_cell	termbox.h	/^int tb_set_cell(int x, int y, uint32_t ch, uintattr_t fg, uintattr_t bg) {$/;"	f
    391 tb_set_cell_ex	termbox.h	/^int tb_set_cell_ex(int x, int y, uint32_t *ch, size_t nch, uintattr_t fg,$/;"	f
    392 tb_set_clear_attributes	termbox.h	304;"	d
    393 tb_set_clear_attrs	termbox.h	/^int tb_set_clear_attrs(uintattr_t fg, uintattr_t bg) {$/;"	f
    394 tb_set_cursor	termbox.h	/^int tb_set_cursor(int cx, int cy) {$/;"	f
    395 tb_set_func	termbox.h	/^int tb_set_func(int fn_type, int (*fn)(struct tb_event *, size_t *)) {$/;"	f
    396 tb_set_input_mode	termbox.h	/^int tb_set_input_mode(int mode) {$/;"	f
    397 tb_set_output_mode	termbox.h	/^int tb_set_output_mode(int mode) {$/;"	f
    398 tb_shutdown	termbox.h	/^int tb_shutdown(void) {$/;"	f
    399 tb_strerror	termbox.h	/^const char *tb_strerror(int err) {$/;"	f
    400 tb_utf8_char_length	termbox.h	/^int tb_utf8_char_length(char c) {$/;"	f
    401 tb_utf8_char_to_unicode	termbox.h	/^int tb_utf8_char_to_unicode(uint32_t *out, const char *c) {$/;"	f
    402 tb_utf8_unicode_to_char	termbox.h	/^int tb_utf8_unicode_to_char(char *out, uint32_t c) {$/;"	f
    403 tb_version	termbox.h	/^const char *tb_version(void) {$/;"	f
    404 tb_width	termbox.h	/^int tb_width(void) {$/;"	f
    405 terminfo	termbox.h	/^    char *terminfo;$/;"	m	struct:tb_global_t
    406 terminfo_cap_indexes	termbox.h	/^static const int16_t terminfo_cap_indexes[] = {$/;"	v
    407 title	lavat.c	/^static char *title = NULL;$/;"	v	file:
    408 ttyfd	termbox.h	/^    int ttyfd;$/;"	m	struct:tb_global_t
    409 ttyfd_open	termbox.h	/^    int ttyfd_open;$/;"	m	struct:tb_global_t
    410 type	termbox.h	/^    uint8_t type; \/* one of TB_EVENT_* constants *\/$/;"	m	struct:tb_event
    411 uintattr_t	termbox.h	/^typedef uint16_t uintattr_t;$/;"	t
    412 uintattr_t	termbox.h	/^typedef uint32_t uintattr_t;$/;"	t
    413 update_term_size	termbox.h	/^static int update_term_size(void) {$/;"	f
    414 update_term_size_via_esc	termbox.h	/^static int update_term_size_via_esc(void) {$/;"	f
    415 utf8_length	termbox.h	/^static const unsigned char utf8_length[256] = {1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,$/;"	v
    416 utf8_mask	termbox.h	/^static const unsigned char utf8_mask[6] = {0x7f, 0x1f, 0x0f, 0x07, 0x03, 0x01};$/;"	v
    417 vr	lavat.c	/^void vr(int coloffset, int lineoffset, int length, bool selected) {$/;"	f
    418 w	termbox.h	/^    int32_t w;    \/* resize width *\/$/;"	m	struct:tb_event
    419 wait_event	termbox.h	/^static int wait_event(struct tb_event *event, int timeout) {$/;"	f
    420 wfd	termbox.h	/^    int wfd;$/;"	m	struct:tb_global_t
    421 width	termbox.h	/^    int width;$/;"	m	struct:cellbuf_t
    422 width	termbox.h	/^    int width;$/;"	m	struct:tb_global_t
    423 x	lavat.c	/^  int x;$/;"	m	struct:__anon1	file:
    424 x	termbox.h	/^    int32_t x;    \/* mouse x *\/$/;"	m	struct:tb_event
    425 xterm_caps	termbox.h	/^static const char *xterm_caps[] = {$/;"	v
    426 y	lavat.c	/^  int y;$/;"	m	struct:__anon1	file:
    427 y	termbox.h	/^    int32_t y;    \/* mouse y *\/$/;"	m	struct:tb_event