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     23 <script language="JavaScript" src="../jscript/codes.js"></script><basefont size="3">
     24 <center><font size="2">The Open Group Base Specifications Issue 8<br>
     25 IEEE Std 1003.1-2024<br>
     26 Copyright © 2001-2024 The IEEE and The Open Group</font></center>
     27 <hr size="2" noshade>
     28 <a name="top" id="top"></a> <a name="get" id="get"></a> <a name="tag_20_51" id="tag_20_51"></a><!-- get -->
     29 <h4 class="mansect"><a name="tag_20_51_01" id="tag_20_51_01"></a>NAME</h4>
     30 <blockquote>get — get a version of an SCCS file (<b>DEVELOPMENT</b>)</blockquote>
     31 <h4 class="mansect"><a name="tag_20_51_02" id="tag_20_51_02"></a>SYNOPSIS</h4>
     32 <blockquote class="synopsis">
     33 <div class="box"><code><tt><sup>[<a href="javascript:open_code('XSI')">XSI</a>]</sup> <img src="../images/opt-start.gif" alt=
     34 "[Option Start]" border="0"> get</tt> <b>[</b><tt>-begkmnlLpst</tt><b>] [</b><tt>-c</tt> <i>cutoff</i><b>] [</b><tt>-i</tt>
     35 <i>list</i><b>] [</b><tt>-r</tt> <i>SID</i><b>] [</b><tt>-x</tt> <i>list</i><b>]</b> <i>file</i><tt>... <img src=
     36 "../images/opt-end.gif" alt="[Option End]" border="0"></tt></code></div>
     37 </blockquote>
     38 <h4 class="mansect"><a name="tag_20_51_03" id="tag_20_51_03"></a>DESCRIPTION</h4>
     39 <blockquote>
     40 <p>The <i>get</i> utility shall generate a text file from each named SCCS <i>file</i> according to the specifications given by its
     41 options.</p>
     42 <p>The generated text shall normally be written into a file called the <b>g-file</b> whose name is derived from the SCCS filename
     43 by simply removing the leading <tt>"s."</tt>.</p>
     44 </blockquote>
     45 <h4 class="mansect"><a name="tag_20_51_04" id="tag_20_51_04"></a>OPTIONS</h4>
     46 <blockquote>
     47 <p>The <i>get</i> utility shall conform to XBD <a href="../basedefs/V1_chap12.html#tag_12_02"><i>12.2 Utility Syntax
     48 Guidelines</i></a> .</p>
     49 <p>The following options shall be supported:</p>
     50 <dl compact>
     51 <dd></dd>
     52 <dt><b>-r&nbsp;</b><i>SID</i></dt>
     53 <dd>Indicate the SCCS Identification String (SID) of the version (delta) of an SCCS file to be retrieved. The table shows, for the
     54 most useful cases, what version of an SCCS file is retrieved (as well as the SID of the version to be eventually created by
     55 <a href="../utilities/delta.html"><i>delta</i></a> if the <b>-e</b> option is also used), as a function of the SID specified.</dd>
     56 <dt><b>-c&nbsp;</b><i>cutoff</i></dt>
     57 <dd>Indicate the <i>cutoff</i> date-time, in the form:
     58 <pre>
     59 <i>YY</i><b>[</b><i>MM</i><b>[</b><i>DD</i><b>[</b><i>HH</i><b>[</b><i>MM</i><b>[</b><i>SS</i><b>]]]]]</b><tt>
     60 </tt></pre>
     61 <p>For the <i>YY</i> component, values in the range [69,99] shall refer to years 1969 to 1999 inclusive, and values in the range
     62 [00,68] shall refer to years 2000 to 2068 inclusive. <basefont size="2"></p>
     63 <dl>
     64 <dt><b>Note:</b></dt>
     65 <dd>It is expected that in a future version of this standard the default century inferred from a 2-digit year will change. (This
     66 would apply to all commands accepting a 2-digit year as input.)</dd>
     67 </dl>
     68 <basefont size="3">
     69 <p>No changes (deltas) to the SCCS file that were created after the specified <i>cutoff</i> date-time shall be included in the
     70 generated text file. Units omitted from the date-time default to their maximum possible values; for example, <b>-c</b> 7502 is
     71 equivalent to <b>-c</b> 750228235959.</p>
     72 <p>Any number of non-numeric characters may separate the various 2-digit pieces of the <i>cutoff</i> date-time. This feature allows
     73 the user to specify a <i>cutoff</i> date in the form: <b>-c</b> "77/2/2&nbsp;9:22:25".</p>
     74 </dd>
     75 <dt><b>-e</b></dt>
     76 <dd>Indicate that the <i>get</i> is for the purpose of editing or making a change (delta) to the SCCS file via a subsequent use of
     77 <a href="../utilities/delta.html"><i>delta</i></a>. The <b>-e</b> option used in a <i>get</i> for a particular version (SID) of the
     78 SCCS file shall prevent further <i>get</i> commands from editing on the same SID until <a href=
     79 "../utilities/delta.html"><i>delta</i></a> is executed or the <b>j</b> (joint edit) flag is set in the SCCS file. Concurrent use of
     80 <i>get</i> <b>-e</b> for different SIDs is always allowed.
     81 <p>If the <b>g-file</b> generated by <i>get</i> with a <b>-e</b> option is accidentally ruined in the process of editing, it may be
     82 regenerated by re-executing the <i>get</i> command with the <b>-k</b> option in place of the <b>-e</b> option.</p>
     83 <p>SCCS file protection specified via the ceiling, floor, and authorized user list stored in the SCCS file shall be enforced when
     84 the <b>-e</b> option is used.</p>
     85 </dd>
     86 <dt><b>-b</b></dt>
     87 <dd>Use with the <b>-e</b> option to indicate that the new delta should have an SID in a new branch as shown in the table below.
     88 This option shall be ignored if the <b>b</b> flag is not present in the file or if the retrieved delta is not a leaf delta. (A leaf
     89 delta is one that has no successors on the SCCS file tree.) <basefont size="2">
     90 <dl>
     91 <dt><b>Note:</b></dt>
     92 <dd>A branch delta may always be created from a non-leaf delta.</dd>
     93 </dl>
     94 <basefont size="3"></dd>
     95 <dt><b>-i&nbsp;</b><i>list</i></dt>
     96 <dd>Indicate a <i>list</i> of deltas to be included (forced to be applied) in the creation of the generated file. The <i>list</i>
     97 has the following syntax:
     98 <pre>
     99 <tt>&lt;list&gt; ::= &lt;range&gt; | &lt;list&gt; , &lt;range&gt;
    100 &lt;range&gt; ::= SID | SID - SID
    101 </tt></pre>
    102 <p>SID, the SCCS Identification of a delta, may be in any form shown in the &quot;SID Specified&quot; column of the table in the EXTENDED
    103 DESCRIPTION section, except that the result of supplying a partial SID is unspecified. A diagnostic message shall be written if the
    104 first SID in the range is not an ancestor of the second SID in the range.</p>
    105 </dd>
    106 <dt><b>-x&nbsp;</b><i>list</i></dt>
    107 <dd>Indicate a <i>list</i> of deltas to be excluded (forced not to be applied) in the creation of the generated file. See the
    108 <b>-i</b> option for the <i>list</i> format.</dd>
    109 <dt><b>-k</b></dt>
    110 <dd>Suppress replacement of identification keywords (see below) in the retrieved text by their value. The <b>-k</b> option shall be
    111 implied by the <b>-e</b> option.</dd>
    112 <dt><b>-l</b></dt>
    113 <dd>Write a delta summary into an <b>l-file</b>.</dd>
    114 <dt><b>-L</b></dt>
    115 <dd>Write a delta summary to standard output. All informative output that normally is written to standard output shall be written
    116 to standard error instead, unless the <b>-s</b> option is used, in which case it shall be suppressed.</dd>
    117 <dt><b>-p</b></dt>
    118 <dd>Write the text retrieved from the SCCS file to the standard output. No <b>g-file</b> shall be created. All informative output
    119 that normally goes to the standard output shall go to standard error instead, unless the <b>-s</b> option is used, in which case it
    120 shall disappear.</dd>
    121 <dt><b>-s</b></dt>
    122 <dd>Suppress all informative output normally written to standard output. However, fatal error messages (which shall always be
    123 written to the standard error) shall remain unaffected.</dd>
    124 <dt><b>-m</b></dt>
    125 <dd>Precede each text line retrieved from the SCCS file by the SID of the delta that inserted the text line in the SCCS file. The
    126 format shall be:
    127 <pre>
    128 <tt>"%s\t%s", &lt;</tt><i>SID</i><tt>&gt;, &lt;</tt><i>text line</i><tt>&gt;
    129 </tt></pre></dd>
    130 <dt><b>-n</b></dt>
    131 <dd>Precede each generated text line with the %<b>M</b>% identification keyword value (see below). The format shall be:
    132 <pre>
    133 <tt>"%s\t%s", &lt;</tt><i>%M% value</i><tt>&gt;, &lt;</tt><i>text line</i><tt>&gt;
    134 </tt></pre>
    135 <p>When both the <b>-m</b> and <b>-n</b> options are used, the &lt;<i>text&nbsp;line</i>&gt; shall be replaced by the <b>-m</b>
    136 option-generated format.</p>
    137 </dd>
    138 <dt><b>-g</b></dt>
    139 <dd>Suppress the actual retrieval of text from the SCCS file. It is primarily used to generate an <b>l-file</b>, or to verify the
    140 existence of a particular SID.</dd>
    141 <dt><b>-t</b></dt>
    142 <dd>Use to access the most recently created (top) delta in a given release (for example, <b>-r 1</b>), or release and level (for
    143 example, <b>-r 1.2</b>).</dd>
    144 </dl>
    145 <br></blockquote>
    146 <h4 class="mansect"><a name="tag_20_51_05" id="tag_20_51_05"></a>OPERANDS</h4>
    147 <blockquote>
    148 <p>The following operands shall be supported:</p>
    149 <dl compact>
    150 <dd></dd>
    151 <dt><i>file</i></dt>
    152 <dd>A pathname of an existing SCCS file or a directory. If <i>file</i> is a directory, the <i>get</i> utility shall behave as
    153 though each file in the directory were specified as a named file, except that non-SCCS files (last component of the pathname does
    154 not begin with <b>s.</b>) and unreadable files shall be silently ignored.
    155 <p>If exactly one <i>file</i> operand appears, and it is <tt>'-'</tt>, the standard input shall be read; each line of the standard
    156 input is taken to be the name of an SCCS file to be processed. Non-SCCS files and unreadable files shall be silently ignored.</p>
    157 </dd>
    158 </dl>
    159 </blockquote>
    160 <h4 class="mansect"><a name="tag_20_51_06" id="tag_20_51_06"></a>STDIN</h4>
    161 <blockquote>
    162 <p>The standard input shall be a text file used only if the <i>file</i> operand is specified as <tt>'-'</tt>. Each line of the text
    163 file shall be interpreted as an SCCS pathname.</p>
    164 </blockquote>
    165 <h4 class="mansect"><a name="tag_20_51_07" id="tag_20_51_07"></a>INPUT FILES</h4>
    166 <blockquote>
    167 <p>The SCCS files shall be files of an unspecified format.</p>
    168 </blockquote>
    169 <h4 class="mansect"><a name="tag_20_51_08" id="tag_20_51_08"></a>ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES</h4>
    170 <blockquote>
    171 <p>The following environment variables shall affect the execution of <i>get</i>:</p>
    172 <dl compact>
    173 <dd></dd>
    174 <dt><i>LANG</i></dt>
    175 <dd>Provide a default value for the internationalization variables that are unset or null. (See XBD <a href=
    176 "../basedefs/V1_chap08.html#tag_08_02"><i>8.2 Internationalization Variables</i></a> for the precedence of internationalization
    177 variables used to determine the values of locale categories.)</dd>
    178 <dt><i>LC_ALL</i></dt>
    179 <dd>If set to a non-empty string value, override the values of all the other internationalization variables.</dd>
    180 <dt><i>LC_CTYPE</i></dt>
    181 <dd>Determine the locale for the interpretation of sequences of bytes of text data as characters (for example, single-byte as
    182 opposed to multi-byte characters in arguments and input files).</dd>
    183 <dt><i>LC_MESSAGES</i></dt>
    184 <dd><br>
    185 Determine the locale that should be used to affect the format and contents of diagnostic messages written to standard error, and
    186 informative messages written to standard output (or standard error, if the <b>-p</b> option is used).</dd>
    187 <dt><i>NLSPATH</i></dt>
    188 <dd>Determine the location of messages objects and message catalogs.</dd>
    189 <dt><i>TZ</i></dt>
    190 <dd>Determine the timezone in which the times and dates written in the SCCS file are evaluated. If the <i>TZ</i> variable is unset
    191 or NULL, an unspecified system default timezone is used.</dd>
    192 </dl>
    193 </blockquote>
    194 <h4 class="mansect"><a name="tag_20_51_09" id="tag_20_51_09"></a>ASYNCHRONOUS EVENTS</h4>
    195 <blockquote>
    196 <p>Default.</p>
    197 </blockquote>
    198 <h4 class="mansect"><a name="tag_20_51_10" id="tag_20_51_10"></a>STDOUT</h4>
    199 <blockquote>
    200 <p>For each file processed, <i>get</i> shall write to standard output the SID being accessed and the number of lines retrieved from
    201 the SCCS file, in the following format:</p>
    202 <pre>
    203 <tt>"%s\n%d lines\n", &lt;</tt><i>SID</i><tt>&gt;, &lt;</tt><i>number of lines</i><tt>&gt;
    204 </tt></pre>
    205 <p>If the <b>-e</b> option is used, the SID of the delta to be made shall appear after the SID accessed and before the number of
    206 lines generated, in the POSIX locale:</p>
    207 <pre>
    208 <tt>"%s\nnew delta %s\n%d lines\n", &lt;</tt><i>SID accessed</i><tt>&gt;,
    209     &lt;</tt><i>SID to be made</i><tt>&gt;, &lt;</tt><i>number of lines</i><tt>&gt;
    210 </tt></pre>
    211 <p>If there is more than one named file or if a directory or standard input is named, each pathname shall be written before each of
    212 the lines shown in one of the preceding formats:</p>
    213 <pre>
    214 <tt>"\n%s:\n", &lt;</tt><i>pathname</i><tt>&gt;
    215 </tt></pre>
    216 <p>If the <b>-L</b> option is used, a delta summary shall be written following the format specified below for <b>l-files</b>.</p>
    217 <p>If the <b>-i</b> option is used, included deltas shall be listed following the notation, in the POSIX locale:</p>
    218 <pre>
    219 <tt>"Included:\n"
    220 </tt></pre>
    221 <p>If the <b>-x</b> option is used, excluded deltas shall be listed following the notation, in the POSIX locale:</p>
    222 <pre>
    223 <tt>"Excluded:\n"
    224 </tt></pre>
    225 <p>If the <b>-p</b> or <b>-L</b> options are specified, the standard output shall consist of the text retrieved from the SCCS
    226 file.</p>
    227 </blockquote>
    228 <h4 class="mansect"><a name="tag_20_51_11" id="tag_20_51_11"></a>STDERR</h4>
    229 <blockquote>
    230 <p>The standard error shall be used only for diagnostic messages, except if the <b>-p</b> or <b>-L</b> options are specified, it
    231 shall include all informative messages normally sent to standard output.</p>
    232 </blockquote>
    233 <h4 class="mansect"><a name="tag_20_51_12" id="tag_20_51_12"></a>OUTPUT FILES</h4>
    234 <blockquote>
    235 <p>Several auxiliary files may be created by <i>get</i>. These files are known generically as the <b>g-file</b>, <b>l-file</b>,
    236 <b>p-file</b>, and <b>z-file</b>. The letter before the &lt;hyphen-minus&gt; is called the <i>tag</i>. An auxiliary filename shall
    237 be formed from the SCCS filename: the application shall ensure that the last component of all SCCS filenames is of the form
    238 <b>s.</b><i>module-name</i>; the auxiliary files shall be named by replacing the leading <b>s</b> with the tag. The <b>g-file</b>
    239 shall be an exception to this scheme: the <b>g-file</b> is named by removing the <b>s.</b> prefix. For example, for <b></b>,
    240 the auxiliary filenames would be <b>xyz.c</b>, <b></b>, <b></b>, and <b></b>, respectively.</p>
    241 <p>The <b>g-file</b>, which contains the generated text, shall be created in the current directory (unless the <b>-p</b> option is
    242 used). A <b>g-file</b> shall be created in all cases, whether or not any lines of text were generated by the <i>get</i>. It shall
    243 be owned by the real user. If the <b>-k</b> option is used or implied, the <b>g-file</b> shall be writable by the owner only
    244 (read-only for everyone else); otherwise, it shall be read-only. Only the real user need have write permission in the current
    245 directory.</p>
    246 <p>The <b>l-file</b> shall contain a table showing which deltas were applied in generating the retrieved text. The <b>l-file</b>
    247 shall be created in the current directory if the <b>-l</b> option is used; it shall be read-only and it is owned by the real user.
    248 Only the real user need have write permission in the current directory.</p>
    249 <p>Lines in the <b>l-file</b> shall have the following format:</p>
    250 <pre>
    251 <tt>"%c%c%cΔ%s\t%sΔ%s\n", &lt;</tt><i>code1</i><tt>&gt;, &lt;</tt><i>code2</i><tt>&gt;, &lt;</tt><i>code3</i><tt>&gt;,
    252     &lt;</tt><i>SID</i><tt>&gt;, &lt;</tt><i>date-time</i><tt>&gt;, &lt;</tt><i>login</i><tt>&gt;
    253 </tt></pre>
    254 <p>where the entries are:</p>
    255 <dl compact>
    256 <dd></dd>
    257 <dt>&lt;<i>code1</i>&gt;</dt>
    258 <dd>A &lt;space&gt; if the delta was applied; <tt>'*'</tt> otherwise.</dd>
    259 <dt>&lt;<i>code2</i>&gt;</dt>
    260 <dd>A &lt;space&gt; if the delta was applied or was not applied and ignored; <tt>'*'</tt> if the delta was not applied and was not
    261 ignored.</dd>
    262 <dt>&lt;<i>code3</i>&gt;</dt>
    263 <dd>A character indicating a special reason why the delta was or was not applied:
    264 <dl compact>
    265 <dd></dd>
    266 <dt><b>I</b></dt>
    267 <dd>Included.</dd>
    268 <dt><b>X</b></dt>
    269 <dd>Excluded.</dd>
    270 <dt><b>C</b></dt>
    271 <dd>Cut off (by a <b>-c</b> option).</dd>
    272 </dl>
    273 </dd>
    274 <dt>&lt;<i>date-time</i>&gt;</dt>
    275 <dd>Date and time (using the format of the <a href="../utilities/date.html"><i>date</i></a> utility's
    276 <tt>%y</tt>/<tt>%m</tt>/<tt>%d</tt> <tt>%T</tt> conversion specification format) of creation.</dd>
    277 <dt>&lt;<i>login</i>&gt;</dt>
    278 <dd>Login name of person who created <a href="../utilities/delta.html"><i>delta</i></a>.</dd>
    279 </dl>
    280 <p>The comments and MR data shall follow on subsequent lines, indented one &lt;tab&gt;. A blank line shall terminate each
    281 entry.</p>
    282 <p>The <b>p-file</b> shall be used to pass information resulting from a <i>get</i> with a <b>-e</b> option along to <a href=
    283 "../utilities/delta.html"><i>delta</i></a>. Its contents shall also be used to prevent a subsequent execution of <i>get</i> with a
    284 <b>-e</b> option for the same SID until <a href="../utilities/delta.html"><i>delta</i></a> is executed or the joint edit flag,
    285 <b>j</b>, is set in the SCCS file. The <b>p-file</b> shall be created in the directory containing the SCCS file and the application
    286 shall ensure that the effective user has write permission in that directory. It shall be writable by owner only, and owned by the
    287 effective user. Each line in the <b>p-file</b> shall have the following format:</p>
    288 <pre>
    289 <tt>"%sΔ%sΔ%sΔ%s%s%s\n", &lt;</tt><i>g-file SID</i><tt>&gt;,
    290     &lt;</tt><i>SID of new delta</i><tt>&gt;, &lt;</tt><i>login-name of real user</i><tt>&gt;,
    291     &lt;</tt><i>date-time</i><tt>&gt;, &lt;</tt><i>i-value</i><tt>&gt;, &lt;</tt><i>x-value</i><tt>&gt;
    292 </tt></pre>
    293 <p>where &lt;<i>i-value</i>&gt; uses the format <tt>""</tt> if no <b>-i</b> option was specified, and shall use the format:</p>
    294 <pre>
    295 <tt>"Δ-i%s", &lt;-i option </tt><i>option-argument</i><tt>&gt;
    296 </tt></pre>
    297 <p>if a <b>-i</b> option was specified and &lt;<i>x-value</i>&gt; uses the format <tt>""</tt> if no <b>-x</b> option was specified,
    298 and shall use the format:</p>
    299 <pre>
    300 <tt>"Δ-x%s", &lt;-x option </tt><i>option-argument</i><tt>&gt;
    301 </tt></pre>
    302 <p>if a <b>-x</b> option was specified. There can be an arbitrary number of lines in the <b>p-file</b> at any time; no two lines
    303 shall have the same new delta SID.</p>
    304 <p>The <b>z-file</b> shall serve as a lock-out mechanism against simultaneous updates. Its contents shall be the binary process ID
    305 of the command (that is, <i>get</i>) that created it. The <b>z-file</b> shall be created in the directory containing the SCCS file
    306 for the duration of <i>get</i>. The same protection restrictions as those for the <b>p-file</b> shall apply for the <b>z-file</b>.
    307 The <b>z-file</b> shall be created read-only.<br></p>
    308 </blockquote>
    309 <h4 class="mansect"><a name="tag_20_51_13" id="tag_20_51_13"></a>EXTENDED DESCRIPTION</h4>
    310 <blockquote>
    311 <center>
    312 <table border="1" cellpadding="3" align="center">
    313 <tr valign="top">
    314 <th colspan="5" align="center">
    315 <p class="tent"><b>Determination of SCCS Identification String</b></p>
    316 </th>
    317 </tr>
    318 <tr valign="top">
    319 <th align="center">
    320 <p class="tent"><b>SID* Specified</b></p>
    321 </th>
    322 <th align="center">
    323 <p class="tent"><b>-b Keyletter Used†</b></p>
    324 </th>
    325 <th align="center">
    326 <p class="tent"><b>Other Conditions</b></p>
    327 </th>
    328 <th align="center">
    329 <p class="tent"><b>SID Retrieved</b></p>
    330 </th>
    331 <th align="center">
    332 <p class="tent"><b>SID of Delta to be Created</b></p>
    333 </th>
    334 </tr>
    335 <tr valign="top">
    336 <td align="left">
    337 <p class="tent">none‡</p>
    338 </td>
    339 <td align="center">
    340 <p class="tent">no</p>
    341 </td>
    342 <td align="left">
    343 <p class="tent">R defaults to mR</p>
    344 </td>
    345 <td align="left">
    346 <p class="tent">mR.mL</p>
    347 </td>
    348 <td align="left">
    349 <p class="tent">mR.(mL+1)</p>
    350 </td>
    351 </tr>
    352 <tr valign="top">
    353 <td align="left">
    354 <p class="tent">none‡</p>
    355 </td>
    356 <td align="center">
    357 <p class="tent">yes</p>
    358 </td>
    359 <td align="left">
    360 <p class="tent">R defaults to mR</p>
    361 </td>
    362 <td align="left">
    363 <p class="tent">mR.mL</p>
    364 </td>
    365 <td align="left">
    366 <p class="tent">mR.mL.(mB+1).1</p>
    367 </td>
    368 </tr>
    369 <tr valign="top">
    370 <td align="left">
    371 <p class="tent">R</p>
    372 </td>
    373 <td align="center">
    374 <p class="tent">no</p>
    375 </td>
    376 <td align="left">
    377 <p class="tent">R &gt; mR</p>
    378 </td>
    379 <td align="left">
    380 <p class="tent">mR.mL</p>
    381 </td>
    382 <td align="left">
    383 <p class="tent">R.1***</p>
    384 </td>
    385 </tr>
    386 <tr valign="top">
    387 <td align="left">
    388 <p class="tent">R</p>
    389 </td>
    390 <td align="center">
    391 <p class="tent">no</p>
    392 </td>
    393 <td align="left">
    394 <p class="tent">R = mR</p>
    395 </td>
    396 <td align="left">
    397 <p class="tent">mR.mL</p>
    398 </td>
    399 <td align="left">
    400 <p class="tent">mR.(mL+1)</p>
    401 </td>
    402 </tr>
    403 <tr valign="top">
    404 <td align="left">
    405 <p class="tent">R</p>
    406 </td>
    407 <td align="center">
    408 <p class="tent">yes</p>
    409 </td>
    410 <td align="left">
    411 <p class="tent">R &gt; mR</p>
    412 </td>
    413 <td align="left">
    414 <p class="tent">mR.mL</p>
    415 </td>
    416 <td align="left">
    417 <p class="tent">mR.mL.(mB+1).1</p>
    418 </td>
    419 </tr>
    420 <tr valign="top">
    421 <td align="left">
    422 <p class="tent">R</p>
    423 </td>
    424 <td align="center">
    425 <p class="tent">yes</p>
    426 </td>
    427 <td align="left">
    428 <p class="tent">R = mR</p>
    429 </td>
    430 <td align="left">
    431 <p class="tent">mR.mL</p>
    432 </td>
    433 <td align="left">
    434 <p class="tent">mR.mL.(mB+1).1</p>
    435 </td>
    436 </tr>
    437 <tr valign="top">
    438 <td align="left">
    439 <p class="tent">R</p>
    440 </td>
    441 <td align="center">
    442 <p class="tent">-</p>
    443 </td>
    444 <td align="left">
    445 <p class="tent">R &lt; mR and R does not exist</p>
    446 </td>
    447 <td align="left">
    448 <p class="tent">hR.mL**</p>
    449 </td>
    450 <td align="left">
    451 <p class="tent">hR.mL.(mB+1).1</p>
    452 </td>
    453 </tr>
    454 <tr valign="top">
    455 <td align="left">
    456 <p class="tent">R</p>
    457 </td>
    458 <td align="center">
    459 <p class="tent">-</p>
    460 </td>
    461 <td align="left">
    462 <p class="tent">Trunk successor in release &gt; R and R exists</p>
    463 </td>
    464 <td align="left">
    465 <p class="tent">R.mL</p>
    466 </td>
    467 <td align="left">
    468 <p class="tent">R.mL.(mB+1).1</p>
    469 </td>
    470 </tr>
    471 <tr valign="top">
    472 <td align="left">
    473 <p class="tent">R.L</p>
    474 </td>
    475 <td align="center">
    476 <p class="tent">no</p>
    477 </td>
    478 <td align="left">
    479 <p class="tent">No trunk successor</p>
    480 </td>
    481 <td align="left">
    482 <p class="tent">R.L</p>
    483 </td>
    484 <td align="left">
    485 <p class="tent">R.(L+1)</p>
    486 </td>
    487 </tr>
    488 <tr valign="top">
    489 <td align="left">
    490 <p class="tent">R.L</p>
    491 </td>
    492 <td align="center">
    493 <p class="tent">yes</p>
    494 </td>
    495 <td align="left">
    496 <p class="tent">No trunk successor</p>
    497 </td>
    498 <td align="left">
    499 <p class="tent">R.L</p>
    500 </td>
    501 <td align="left">
    502 <p class="tent">R.L.(mB+1).1</p>
    503 </td>
    504 </tr>
    505 <tr valign="top">
    506 <td align="left">
    507 <p class="tent">R.L</p>
    508 </td>
    509 <td align="center">
    510 <p class="tent">-</p>
    511 </td>
    512 <td align="left">
    513 <p class="tent">Trunk successor in release &gt;= R</p>
    514 </td>
    515 <td align="left">
    516 <p class="tent">R.L</p>
    517 </td>
    518 <td align="left">
    519 <p class="tent">R.L.(mB+1).1</p>
    520 </td>
    521 </tr>
    522 <tr valign="top">
    523 <td align="left">
    524 <p class="tent">R.L.B</p>
    525 </td>
    526 <td align="center">
    527 <p class="tent">no</p>
    528 </td>
    529 <td align="left">
    530 <p class="tent">No branch successor</p>
    531 </td>
    532 <td align="left">
    533 <p class="tent">R.L.B.mS</p>
    534 </td>
    535 <td align="left">
    536 <p class="tent">R.L.B.(mS+1)</p>
    537 </td>
    538 </tr>
    539 <tr valign="top">
    540 <td align="left">
    541 <p class="tent">R.L.B</p>
    542 </td>
    543 <td align="center">
    544 <p class="tent">yes</p>
    545 </td>
    546 <td align="left">
    547 <p class="tent">No branch successor</p>
    548 </td>
    549 <td align="left">
    550 <p class="tent">R.L.B.mS</p>
    551 </td>
    552 <td align="left">
    553 <p class="tent">R.L.(mB+1).1</p>
    554 </td>
    555 </tr>
    556 <tr valign="top">
    557 <td align="left">
    558 <p class="tent">R.L.B.S</p>
    559 </td>
    560 <td align="center">
    561 <p class="tent">no</p>
    562 </td>
    563 <td align="left">
    564 <p class="tent">No branch successor</p>
    565 </td>
    566 <td align="left">
    567 <p class="tent">R.L.B.S</p>
    568 </td>
    569 <td align="left">
    570 <p class="tent">R.L.B.(S+1)</p>
    571 </td>
    572 </tr>
    573 <tr valign="top">
    574 <td align="left">
    575 <p class="tent">R.L.B.S</p>
    576 </td>
    577 <td align="center">
    578 <p class="tent">yes</p>
    579 </td>
    580 <td align="left">
    581 <p class="tent">No branch successor</p>
    582 </td>
    583 <td align="left">
    584 <p class="tent">R.L.B.S</p>
    585 </td>
    586 <td align="left">
    587 <p class="tent">R.L.(mB+1).1</p>
    588 </td>
    589 </tr>
    590 <tr valign="top">
    591 <td align="left">
    592 <p class="tent">R.L.B.S</p>
    593 </td>
    594 <td align="center">
    595 <p class="tent">-</p>
    596 </td>
    597 <td align="left">
    598 <p class="tent">Branch successor</p>
    599 </td>
    600 <td align="left">
    601 <p class="tent">R.L.B.S</p>
    602 </td>
    603 <td align="left">
    604 <p class="tent">R.L.(mB+1).1</p>
    605 </td>
    606 </tr>
    607 </table>
    608 </center>
    609 <dl compact>
    610 <dd></dd>
    611 <dt>*</dt>
    612 <dd>R, L, B, and S are the release, level, branch, and sequence components of the SID, respectively; m means maximum. Thus, for
    613 example, R.mL means &quot;the maximum level number within release R&quot;; R.L.(mB+1).1 means &quot;the first sequence number on the new branch
    614 (that is, maximum branch number plus one) of level L within release R&quot;. Note that if the SID specified is of the form R.L, R.L.B,
    615 or R.L.B.S, each of the specified components shall exist.</dd>
    616 <dt>**</dt>
    617 <dd>hR is the highest existing release that is lower than the specified, nonexistent, release R.</dd>
    618 <dt>***</dt>
    619 <dd>This is used to force creation of the first delta in a new release.</dd>
    620 <dt>†</dt>
    621 <dd>The <b>-b</b> option is effective only if the <b>b</b> flag is present in the file. An entry of <tt>'-'</tt> means
    622 &quot;irrelevant&quot;.</dd>
    623 <dt>‡</dt>
    624 <dd>This case applies if the <b>d</b> (default SID) flag is not present in the file. If the <b>d</b> flag is present in the file,
    625 then the SID obtained from the <b>d</b> flag is interpreted as if it had been specified on the command line. Thus, one of the other
    626 cases in this table applies.</dd>
    627 </dl>
    628 <h5><a name="tag_20_51_13_01" id="tag_20_51_13_01"></a>System Date and Time</h5>
    629 <p class="tent">When a <b>g-file</b> is generated, the creation time of deltas in the SCCS file may be taken into account. If any
    630 of these times are apparently in the future, the behavior is unspecified.</p>
    631 <h5><a name="tag_20_51_13_02" id="tag_20_51_13_02"></a>Identification Keywords</h5>
    632 <p class="tent">Identifying information shall be inserted into the text retrieved from the SCCS file by replacing identification
    633 keywords with their value wherever they occur. The following keywords may be used in the text stored in an SCCS file:</p>
    634 <dl compact>
    635 <dd></dd>
    636 <dt>%<b>M</b>%</dt>
    637 <dd>Module name: either the value of the <b>m</b> flag in the file, or if absent, the name of the SCCS file with the leading
    638 <b>s.</b> removed.</dd>
    639 <dt>%<b>I</b>%</dt>
    640 <dd>SCCS identification (SID) (%<b>R</b>%.%<b>L</b>% or %<b>R</b>%.%<b>L</b>%.%<b>B</b>%.%<b>S</b>%) of the retrieved text.</dd>
    641 <dt>%<b>R</b>%</dt>
    642 <dd>Release.</dd>
    643 <dt>%<b>L</b>%</dt>
    644 <dd>Level.</dd>
    645 <dt>%<b>B</b>%</dt>
    646 <dd>Branch.</dd>
    647 <dt>%<b>S</b>%</dt>
    648 <dd>Sequence.</dd>
    649 <dt>%<b>D</b>%</dt>
    650 <dd>Current date (<i>YY</i>/<i>MM</i>/<i>DD</i>).</dd>
    651 <dt>%<b>H</b>%</dt>
    652 <dd>Current date (<i>MM</i>/<i>DD</i>/<i>YY</i>).</dd>
    653 <dt>%<b>T</b>%</dt>
    654 <dd>Current time (<i>HH</i>:<i>MM</i>:<i>SS</i>).</dd>
    655 <dt>%<b>E</b>%</dt>
    656 <dd>Date newest applied delta was created (<i>YY</i>/<i>MM</i>/<i>DD</i>).</dd>
    657 <dt>%<b>G</b>%</dt>
    658 <dd>Date newest applied delta was created (<i>MM</i>/<i>DD</i>/<i>YY</i>).</dd>
    659 <dt>%<b>U</b>%</dt>
    660 <dd>Time newest applied delta was created (<i>HH</i>:<i>MM</i>:<i>SS</i>).</dd>
    661 <dt>%<b>Y</b>%</dt>
    662 <dd>Module type: value of the <b>t</b> flag in the SCCS file.</dd>
    663 <dt>%<b>F</b>%</dt>
    664 <dd>SCCS filename.</dd>
    665 <dt>%<b>P</b>%</dt>
    666 <dd>SCCS absolute pathname.</dd>
    667 <dt>%<b>Q</b>%</dt>
    668 <dd>The value of the <b>q</b> flag in the file.</dd>
    669 <dt>%<b>C</b>%</dt>
    670 <dd>Current line number. This keyword is intended for identifying messages output by the program, such as &quot;this should not have
    671 happened&quot; type errors. It is not intended to be used on every line to provide sequence numbers.</dd>
    672 <dt>%<b>Z</b>%</dt>
    673 <dd>The four-character string <tt>"@(#)"</tt> recognizable by <a href="../utilities/what.html"><i>what</i></a>.</dd>
    674 <dt>%<b>W</b>%</dt>
    675 <dd>A shorthand notation for constructing <a href="../utilities/what.html"><i>what</i></a> strings:
    676 <pre>
    677 <tt>%W%=%Z%%M%&lt;tab&gt;%I%
    678 </tt></pre></dd>
    679 <dt>%<b>A</b>%</dt>
    680 <dd>Another shorthand notation for constructing <a href="../utilities/what.html"><i>what</i></a> strings:
    681 <pre>
    682 <tt>%A%=%Z%%Y%%M%%I%%Z%
    683 </tt></pre></dd>
    684 </dl>
    685 </blockquote>
    686 <h4 class="mansect"><a name="tag_20_51_14" id="tag_20_51_14"></a>EXIT STATUS</h4>
    687 <blockquote>
    688 <p>The following exit values shall be returned:</p>
    689 <dl compact>
    690 <dd></dd>
    691 <dt>&nbsp;0</dt>
    692 <dd>Successful completion.</dd>
    693 <dt>&gt;0</dt>
    694 <dd>An error occurred.</dd>
    695 </dl>
    696 </blockquote>
    697 <h4 class="mansect"><a name="tag_20_51_15" id="tag_20_51_15"></a>CONSEQUENCES OF ERRORS</h4>
    698 <blockquote>
    699 <p>Default.</p>
    700 </blockquote>
    701 <hr>
    702 <div class="box"><em>The following sections are informative.</em></div>
    703 <h4 class="mansect"><a name="tag_20_51_16" id="tag_20_51_16"></a>APPLICATION USAGE</h4>
    704 <blockquote>
    705 <p>Problems can arise if the system date and time have been modified (for example, put forward and then back again, or
    706 unsynchronized clocks across a network) and can also arise when different values of the <i>TZ</i> environment variable are
    707 used.</p>
    708 <p class="tent">Problems of a similar nature can also arise for the operation of the <a href=
    709 "../utilities/delta.html"><i>delta</i></a> utility, which compares the previous file body against the working file as part of its
    710 normal operation.</p>
    711 </blockquote>
    712 <h4 class="mansect"><a name="tag_20_51_17" id="tag_20_51_17"></a>EXAMPLES</h4>
    713 <blockquote>
    714 <p>None.</p>
    715 </blockquote>
    716 <h4 class="mansect"><a name="tag_20_51_18" id="tag_20_51_18"></a>RATIONALE</h4>
    717 <blockquote>
    718 <p>None.</p>
    719 </blockquote>
    720 <h4 class="mansect"><a name="tag_20_51_19" id="tag_20_51_19"></a>FUTURE DIRECTIONS</h4>
    721 <blockquote>
    722 <p>If this utility is directed to display a pathname that contains any bytes that have the encoded value of a &lt;newline&gt;
    723 character when &lt;newline&gt; is a terminator or separator in the output format being used, implementations are encouraged to
    724 treat this as an error. A future version of this standard may require implementations to treat this as an error.</p>
    725 <p class="tent">If this utility is directed to create a new directory entry that contains any bytes that have the encoded value of
    726 a &lt;newline&gt; character, implementations are encouraged to treat this as an error. A future version of this standard may
    727 require implementations to treat this as an error.</p>
    728 </blockquote>
    729 <h4 class="mansect"><a name="tag_20_51_20" id="tag_20_51_20"></a>SEE ALSO</h4>
    730 <blockquote>
    731 <p><a href="../utilities/admin.html#"><i>admin</i></a> , <a href="../utilities/delta.html#"><i>delta</i></a> , <a href=
    732 "../utilities/prs.html#"><i>prs</i></a> , <a href="../utilities/what.html#"><i>what</i></a></p>
    733 <p class="tent">XBD <a href="../basedefs/V1_chap08.html#tag_08"><i>8. Environment Variables</i></a> , <a href=
    734 "../basedefs/V1_chap12.html#tag_12_02"><i>12.2 Utility Syntax Guidelines</i></a></p>
    735 </blockquote>
    736 <h4 class="mansect"><a name="tag_20_51_21" id="tag_20_51_21"></a>CHANGE HISTORY</h4>
    737 <blockquote>
    738 <p>First released in Issue 2.</p>
    739 </blockquote>
    740 <h4 class="mansect"><a name="tag_20_51_22" id="tag_20_51_22"></a>Issue 5</h4>
    741 <blockquote>
    742 <p>A correction is made to the first format string in STDOUT.</p>
    743 <p class="tent">The interpretation of the <i>YY</i> component of the <b>-c</b> <i>cutoff</i> argument is noted.</p>
    744 </blockquote>
    745 <h4 class="mansect"><a name="tag_20_51_23" id="tag_20_51_23"></a>Issue 6</h4>
    746 <blockquote>
    747 <p>The obsolescent SYNOPSIS is removed, removing the <b>-lp</b> option.</p>
    748 <p class="tent">The normative text is reworded to avoid use of the term &quot;must&quot; for application requirements.</p>
    749 <p class="tent">The Open Group Corrigendum U025/5 is applied, correcting text in the OPTIONS section.</p>
    750 <p class="tent">The Open Group Corrigendum U048/1 is applied.</p>
    751 <p class="tent">The Open Group Interpretation PIN4C.00014 is applied.</p>
    752 <p class="tent">The Open Group Base Resolution bwg2001-007 is applied as follows:</p>
    753 <ul>
    754 <li class="tent">The EXTENDED DESCRIPTION section is updated to make partial SID handling unspecified, reflecting common usage, and
    755 to clarify SID ranges.</li>
    756 <li class="tent">New text is added to the EXTENDED DESCRIPTION and APPLICATION USAGE sections regarding how the system date and
    757 time may be taken into account.</li>
    758 <li class="tent">The <i>TZ</i> environment variable is added to the ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES section.</li>
    759 </ul>
    760 </blockquote>
    761 <h4 class="mansect"><a name="tag_20_51_24" id="tag_20_51_24"></a>Issue 7</h4>
    762 <blockquote>
    763 <p>SD5-XCU-ERN-97 is applied, updating the SYNOPSIS.</p>
    764 <p class="tent">POSIX.1-2008, Technical Corrigendum 2, XCU/TC2-2008/0104 [584] is applied.</p>
    765 </blockquote>
    766 <h4 class="mansect"><a name="tag_20_51_25" id="tag_20_51_25"></a>Issue 8</h4>
    767 <blockquote>
    768 <p>Austin Group Defect 251 is applied, encouraging implementations to behave as follows:</p>
    769 <ol type="a">
    770 <li class="tent">Report an error if a utility is directed to display a pathname that contains any bytes that have the encoded value
    771 of a &lt;newline&gt; character when &lt;newline&gt; is a terminator or separator in the output format being used.</li>
    772 <li class="tent">Disallow the creation of filenames containing any bytes that have the encoded value of a &lt;newline&gt;
    773 character.</li>
    774 </ol>
    775 <p class="tent">Austin Group Defect 1122 is applied, changing the description of <i>NLSPATH .</i></p>
    776 </blockquote>
    777 <div class="box"><em>End of informative text.</em></div>
    778 <hr>
    779 <p>&nbsp;</p>
    780 <a href="#top"><span class="topOfPage">return to top of page</span></a><br>
    781 <hr size="2" noshade>
    782 <center><font size="2">UNIX® is a registered Trademark of The Open Group.<br>
    783 POSIX™ is a Trademark of The IEEE.<br>
    784 Copyright © 2001-2024 The IEEE and The Open Group, All Rights Reserved<br>
    785 [ <a href="../mindex.html">Main Index</a> | <a href="../basedefs/contents.html">XBD</a> | <a href=
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